Commentary: Soros Mindset Invades Nashville

Sarah Beth Myers and George Soros
by Roger L. Simon


Obviously, a multitude of factors are at play, but if you had to pick one man most responsible for the massive increase in crime of all sorts in American cities over the past few years, from pervasive looting to assault (sexual or otherwise) to murder, it would be billionaire investor George Soros.

Through his Open Society Foundations—described as “the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights”—plus various other entities, sub-entities, and cutouts, Soros has financed the political campaigns of numerous district attorneys and attorneys general across the country.

All of them were leftists, working from a principle of minimal, if any, incarceration or bail in any but the most extreme situations—and often in what most of would assume was extreme. The perpetrator, most probably, they assume, is the product of a miserable childhood, and therefore worthy of more sympathy than the victim. That many who had equally miserable childhoods still are able to function as law-abiding adults is evidently of little consequence to these DAs and AGs.

I’m not going to waste time explaining the neurotic impulses I believe motivate their views, because the results are what’s important. That has been a horrendous increase in crime, particularly in the very minority communities these DAs and AGs like to tell themselves they are helping.

Further, disrespect for the law has made many of our cities unlivable. Who would want to be a young black kid growing up in Chicago?

Thankfully, many citizens are becoming disturbed by this, resulting in recall elections for Chesa Boudin in San Francisco and George Gascon in Los Angeles. (Gascon, doing a little CYA, has recently given tips on how to avoid auto thieves amid the crime wave in his city.)

In obvious electoral danger, the Democrats, in general, are finally starting to get the message, with most (including the occupant of the White House) now reversing field on their ludicrous call to defund the police.

But the ideas behind this haven’t disappeared. They have just gone underground—and not all that deeply underground at that. Some are hiding in plain view on websites.

We are seeing this play out currently in our district attorney race here in Nashville, Tennessee, something that is probably occurring elsewhere in the country or will be shortly.

Nashville—which, inexplicably, has a practically unheard-of eight-year term for district attorney (who thought of that?)—has been having crime problems of its own with an escalating murder rate. This is a tourist city, so that should be of great concern. Folks don’t want to come unless they feel safe.

The incumbent DA is Glenn Funk, pretty much a standard-form liberal who is often at odds with Republican Gov. Bill Lee, specifically on abortion but also to some degree on COVID. (Nashville is blue and Tennessee red, roughly by equal two-thirds amounts.)

Also inexplicably, given the growing national and local concern about crime, the Republicans don’t have a candidate in the Nashville DA race. To say that the Davidson County (contiguous with Nashville) Republican Party was asleep at the proverbial wheel about this is an understatement. These days, district attorneys are arguably more important to the welfare of cities than mayors—especially when with DA’s have eight years in office!

But there are other candidates besides Funk.

They are Sara Beth Myers and P. Danielle Nellis, both women.

I am most concerned here with Myers—a graduate of Harvard College and Vanderbilt Law School. It’s because of her campaign that I caught the whiff of Soros and a new trend.

Hunting for votes, she recently misrepresented herself as a moderate at two Republican gatherings, when she is anything but. Although she was exposed at one of them and slipped away from the event in embarrassment, I am afraid this form of masquerades going to be pro forma in the future.

One of those gatherings was the monthly meeting of First Tuesday—a Metro Nashville Republican event whose leader recently died. Perhaps that was why Myers was able to present her lies there unscathed.

It was at the monthly luncheon of the Nashville Republican Women, the oldest such organization hereabouts, that she was unmasked and left.

Here’s the real Sara Beth Myers from her own campaign website and from the website of AWAKE (yes, that’s the name), the organization she founded in 2013.

Myers introduces herself thusly at the top of her campaign website:

“Sara Beth has been fighting for victims of racial and domestic violence, as well as prosecuting public officials, law enforcement officers, and private citizens when they violate people’s civil rights for 10 years … Sara Beth has demonstrated her ability to put progressive ideas into action.”

From the AWAKE website, we learn a lot from the “Bills They Oppose”:

Use of Student’s Preferred Pronouns: A bill that would protect teachers from being sued for calling a student by his or her biological sex—they’re against that!

Transgender Youth Participation in Sports: They’re against a bill that requires the withholding of funds to a local education agency if that agency determines school sports participation by a students’ biological sex. In other words, they’re fine with transgender athletes such as swimmer Lia Thomas destroying women’s sports. (Whatever happened to feminism—just asking?)

Denial of Education to Undocumented Students: They oppose a bill that allows local education agencies to determine for themselves whether illegal aliens—let’s use the real term—can attend local schools.

It goes on, straight out of the progressive playbook, all from the foundation founded by the putative “moderate” Myers.

Myers is a stone progressive. If she were willing to campaign that way, it wouldn’t be so bad. She’s as entitled to her opinions as we are to judge them. It’s the dishonesty that should scare us. It’s designed to subvert the will of the people who, by large margins in most cases, disagree with those ideas.

As for the Nashville DA election, which takes place on May 3, most Republicans I have spoken with—after they have learned of Myers’s prevarications—will be holding their noses and voting for Funk, based on the old principle of the “devil you know.”

Sometime in the next eight years, let’s hope the Republicans can get it together and find a candidate of their own.

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Roger L. Simon is an award-winning novelist, Oscar-nominated screenwriter, co-founder of PJMedia, and now, editor-at-large for The Epoch Times. His most recent books are “The GOAT” (fiction) and “I Know Best: How Moral Narcissism Is Destroying Our Republic, If It Hasn’t Already” (nonfiction). He can be found on GETTR and Parler @rogerlsimon.
Photo “Sarah Beth Myers” by Sarah Beth Myers and photo “George Soros” by Niccolò Caranti CC BY-SA 3.0.

Reprinted with permission from The Epoch Times.


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10 Thoughts to “Commentary: Soros Mindset Invades Nashville”

  1. Hugh Brooks

    Just how much time, money, resources and staff would Mr. Lewis like Scott Golden to squander against Congressman Cohen? Then to just get around 25%-30% of the vote. Redistricting made the 9th District even more liberal and Democrat, not less.

    Scott Golden has been an outstanding Chairman. We have more Republican candidates this cycle than ever in the history of Tennessee. This August and November we will ELECT more Republicans in the history of Tennessee.

    Without Scott Goldens leadership we would not be able to have the option to have partisan School Board elections.

    Look what happens without the right leadership. You end up with candidates like Kelli Loeffler in Georgia. Hand picked in the primary by Mitch McConnell. So terrible of a a candidate and campaign that she also drug Senator Perdue down with her. We lose the Senate.

    Now look who the newest Supreme Court justice will be!

  2. Hugh Brooks

    Just how much time, money, resources and staff would Mr. Lewis like Scott Golden to squander against Congressman Cohen? Then to just get around 25%-30% of the vote. Redistricting made the 9th District even more liberal and Democrat, not less.

    Scott Golden has been an outstanding Chairman. We have more Republican candidates this cycle than ever in the history of Tennessee. This August and November we will ELECT more Republicans in the history of Tennessee.

    Without Scott Goldens leadership we would not be able to have the option to have partisan School Board elections.

    Look what happens without the right leadership. You end up with candidates like Kellie Loeffler in Georgia. Hand picked in the primary by Mitch McConnell. So terrible of a a candidate and campaign that she also drug Senator Perdue down with her. We lose the Senate.

    Now look who will be the newest Supreme Court justice will be!

  3. Wolf Woman

    A little simplistic historical background for the lack of Republican representation in Nashville:

    The politics of Nashville was dominated by the Old South slave-holding plantation owners and those whose finances depended on the agrarian culture. Then after the Civil War, during Reconstruction, the carpetbagger republicans came from the North and East with draconian rules and didn’t make many friends with the locals to say the least.

    Eventually the Old aristocracy democrats joined forces with poor disenfranchised whites, and “scalawags” (democrats who had sided with the more moderate carpetbaggers but become disillusioned by the corruption) to vote out the republican carpetbaggers. And there you have it. The city rejoined the Democrat party, and it’s been that way ever since.

    The democrats were the party of slavery, then the party of segregation and now they’re the party of hypocrisy, corruption, communism and hate our Constitution.

    1. Dave Huff

      It’s the “War of Northern Aggression”, not the “Civil War”!

      Damn Yankees!

  4. et smith

    There is no reason why we don’t have a Republican on any ballot if this is a problem for the Republican party fix it. just give us someone that wants to work and do the job!

  5. P Clark Lewis

    ~”To say that the Davidson County (contiguous with Nashville) Republican Party was asleep at the proverbial wheel about this is an understatement. “~
    The Davidson COunty GOP may be asleep at the wheel, but the fault, or the buck, if you will, stops with Scott Golden, TN GOP Chair. How many contenders has he fomented against Stephen Cohen? While the House seat of Nashville is seeing healthy challenges, who is going to bat for the GOP against Cohen?
    If democrats are easy marks in 2022, (and they are), what the heck is Golden up to? It begs the question, “Which side of the GOP does he represent?” Is it the GOPe, the Country Club GOP or is it the small business owner, the skilled trades people, the PRODUCERS this party is famous for?
    Golden will have a lot to take blame for if at the end of November 2022 the state of Tennessee is not one big red state once more. Golden takes a paycheck for his work as state GOP Chair, he damned well better be earning the thing, not glad-handing in counties where the party is securely in the lead.
    We, the People of Fly Over Country, are at war with the globalist collectivists, their dark money and their corrupt minions like Myers. The willingness of Myers and their ilk’s to sell out their countrymen for profit is criminal, apart from being morally reprehensible.
    We need to demand that GOP candidates open up their checkbooks to scrutiny. “Follow the Money” is the only sure-fire way to tell what side those running for public office can bet vetted beyond reproach.

  6. Dr Ken

    I encourage you to ask your elected officials if they receive campaign contributions from Soros. Then I would verify their answer simply to see if they are telling you the truth as some politicos are now trying to distance themselves from him. Mr. Bumpass, above, is “spot on accurate” when stating that Soros contributes to those individuals, and to those causes, having ill intent for the United States. I do think there are some naive politicos who receive Soros contributions without realizing what Soros represents.

  7. Truthy McTruthFace

    nashville is a lost cause. another victim of dem rule, now taken over by soros and/or liberal progressives

  8. John Bumpus

    The Tennessee General Assembly—if it hasn’t already done so concerning this issue—needs to be thinking and acting proactively about how to deal with lawless district attorney generals in our State who may happen to have been elected due to the massive financial campaign support that a George Soros figure has provided to them in their election campaign, as has been done in numerous other large cities of our country.

    I don’t think that this kind of thing has ever happened in/to our country before—people like Soros et al. are not just liberals, they are radical leftists (I say Marxists, and if I am having a particularly bad day, communists) who want to destroy and end the United States as it has formerly existed.

    I am not suggesting how the General Assembly do this, I am only saying that the Tennessee General Assembly must be smarter than the radical leftists are and must act pre-emptively to legislatively/constitutionally ‘stop this enemy assault in its tracks.’
